Sunday, August 3, 2008

San Jacinto Battleground and USS Texas

Monument commemorating the battle which secured Texas independence and its reflection pool

The star on top is 570 feet off the ground. (Yes, it's a few feet taller than the Washington Monument in D.C.) Inside the base of the monument is a museum, and an elevator that takes visitors to an onservation deck near the top.

Looking south from the observation deck.

Looking west from the observation deck. The reflecting pool and Battleship Texas can clearly be seen. Not so clearly seen in this photo is the downtown Houston skyline off on the horizon.

Looking north from the observation deck.

Looking east from the observation deck. This section of the park is a marshland oasis surrounded by modern industry.

de Zavala cemetary, near the position of the Texan army at the start of the battle

Replica of "Twin Sisters" cannons gifted to the Texans by the people of Cincinnati prior to battle.

Battleship Texas, with the monument in the distance.

1 comment:

SuperDave said...

Hey Vince. Great site. I like your blog because you run and you post pictures, lol
I am like a kid, let me just see the pictures.
Dude you are a running machine. Keep up the great work!