Monday, March 26, 2007

. . . but not Carter, Lombardi, McMahon, Neil, Vaughn, or Young

So, one day I woke up and thought this blogging thing might be fun to try. Really.

If I have my way, "CurrentlyVince" will become a place for me to vent frustration, question aloud (if HTML could speak), or just be a verbal playground for whatever's on the mind of this wordsmith-wannabe.

Allow me to introduce you to who I'm not: I'm not a figureskating saxaphone player who breaks cryptography during commercial breaks. I am not a former teen gang member turned llama-riding pastry chef. I don't fight fires, cancer, or city hall. I have never appeared on Oprah, and certainly not to discuss my experiences as first runnerup in the Miss America pageant. When I click my heels together, I can't even tap out the songs of Kansas the band, never mind find myself transported to Kansas the state. I'm fairly certain that I didn't earn your vote in the last Presidential election. I'm neither the butcher, the baker, nor even the candlestick maker.

So who the heck am I? Well, honestly, I still ask myself that very question daily. I might start answering this with post two.

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