Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tour de Sonic: Day 1

I'm a frequent visitor of Sonic Drive-In. Lately, though, I've been thinking that I've got myself in a rut, ordering many of the same items. So I'm issuing a challenge to myself:

I'm going to attempt to sample the entire Sonic menu by the end of the month.

It started today. For lunch, while driving to my volunteer post at the Texas Independence Relay, I had a large Popcorn Chicken with honey mustard sauce, tater tots, and a raspberry ice tea.

Here are the ground rules:

1) If it is listed on the menu, I will order it at least once during March.
2) Different custom permutations of the same item won't be required. For example, I've satisfied the raspberry drink flavor and the ice tea requirements of this challenge already. So I don't need to order a raspberry Coke, unless I want to count that as the Coke. (Sonic boasts 168,000 drink combinations, so this ground rule is absolutely necessary.)
3) Likewise, I will not be ordering every size that an item can come in.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this is a pretty awesome idea.