Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can I propagate marigolds from cuttings?

The renovations in April threw a kink into my plans for the patio this past spring. The stress from being moved around and stuck indoors killed off all of the flowerbox plants except for one gold marigold. After being put back out in the sun, it flourished for a while, but now appears to be succumbing to some sort of disease.

I've had very limited success in sprouting replacement from seed -- as in exactly one plant from a whole envelope of seeds. So I'm going to take a shot at propagating new plants from cuttings. From this healthy parent plant, I snipped off three stems, nipped their buds, and immersed the cut ends into brown beer bottles filled with water. I used wadded paper napkins around the stems as stoppers to discourage evaporation and any chance of mosquitoes using the containers to breed.

Will I get roots in just plain tap water without the aid of fertilizer? Will the brown glass of the Abita bottles be enough to keep light from interfering? We'll find out in a few weeks.

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