Sunday, April 5, 2009

Crashing down

This past week I logged zero running miles. Not a one. I suppose it was bound to happen at some point, especially following a goal race like last week's half marathon. I could probably rattle off excuses, but I won't bother. If it bothers me enough, I think I'll be running again soon. It's that simple. I think just having to type this paragraph will be motivation enough.

In sad news on the patio gardening front, I think I have my first official casualties today. One of the ceiling hooks gave way and a strawberry plant came crashing down, taking a railing box down with it. I've attempted to re-pot all the plants, but I think at least one of the impatiens isn't going to make it after all of its stems were snapped. I'm not too concerned about that one, but if the strawberry doesn't recover, that would suck. All of the hanging plants are now suspended on stouter hooks set into a wood beam instead of drywall. Hopefully this won't happen again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a bummer!

Last year my dog dug up a couple zucchini plants I had. I mean root and all. I replanted them and they did recover. Hopefully your's will too!