Saturday, January 12, 2008

Better list them before you've missed them

My sister emailed me an article from the Houston Chronicle that had a bunch of good last-minute tips for tomorrow's race. I've read all of them before, but it's nice to get them all in one place. This morning's mental exercise is to build a list of things I need to remember to bring/do.

  • Shorts, shirt, socks, shoes, hat, clip-on shades -- Start with the obvious!
  • Nathan waistpack -- will be called on to tote all my carry-ons baggage!
  • Bring cash -- for both downtown parking and a little just in case I decide to dash into a convenience store for something.
  • Body Glide -- chubby runners know why
  • Garmin ForeRunner 101 -- I want a record of every mile split if possible.
  • AAA batteries -- That ForeRunner doesn't work well without power.
  • Amphipod handstrap bottle and Gatorade -- I trained with it and it was with me through the San Antonio half and the Sugar Land 30K. I know there are supposed to be fluids on the course, but you're supposed to go with what you know. And it will be nice to blow through all the early fluid stops where there should be massive crowds. When I need to take on more later, I think I can expect more prompt and personal attention at the later ones.
  • GU gels -- I'm thinking four or five packets should be enough. I understand there will be a Clif Blok Shots stop somewhere in the later stage of the course, but who knows if the taste will be agreeable with me at that point?
  • Short straw -- for slurping water cups on the go.
  • Cell phone -- just in case....
  • Pack something yummy in the car for the inevitable after-race munchies.
  • On race morning, make a note of the name of the garage and/or the nearest downtown intersection. This is easy to forget by the after-race time comes around.
That's it for now. Today is Expo Day! Less than 24 hours to go now. Oh boy, oh boy.

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