Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Same old whines, poured into new whineskins....

Strolling by an Apple Store on my lunch break today, I met a line about 20 people long. I asked one lady what they were doing waiting in front of the door. She confirmed that they were all queued up for the opportunity to buy the new iPhone.

It's been out for over a week, but obviously the new edition of the 3G iPhone still has consumers excited. Reviews make it sound nifty, but I'm fairly certain that I could never deal with a device that uses a "virtual keyboard" for text input. You'd have to drag me kicking and screaming into a world where keyboards weren't both QWERTY and tactile. At least it sounds like the actual voice call (remember those?) functions have been improved. Now if only this new model came with a function to help their new owners better practice the courtesy of cell phone silencing before theater or church....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never thought I would want an enhanced cellphone to replace the junky cell phone I already have, and consistently lose/break/drop, but I want one.

I miss you, Vince! Hope all is well!