Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ground Floor Expansion

Tonight I launched the second part of my patio garden. As I mentioned yesterday, I was going to attempt tomatoes despite having direct sun in this location for less than half a day. While browsing the starter plants in the garden department at Walmart, I recognized that one of the peat pots had more than one plant in it:

Who could resist a two-for-one deal? When I got home, I cracked open the pot, confirmed that these were indeed twins, and carefully untangled the root balls from each other:

I may have risked some serious root shock in both plants, but even if the gamble fails completely, I'm only out $3.50, right?

After a night of sleep, I woke up this morning, looked at the Impatiens I planted last night and had decided that there was no way having the plants only three inches apart was going to turn out well:

So I halved the number of plants in each box from six to three:

The evicted Impatiens were transplanted down into the new round containers sitting directly on the patio. The flowers' new assignment is to surround the tomato plants that I planted in the middle:

The Impatiens are now about ten inches away from each other. I bet they'll appreciate the extra room. Meanwhile, down in the round containers, I am counting on the Impatiens staying less than a foot tall, while the roma tomato plants shoot for higher altitude. We'll find out this spring and summer if they can all get along!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey, Rachel here from Penguin Land on RWOL.
LOVE your patio greening. Gardening is so much fun, even if it's on a limited basis! (I am in an apartment with a small patio so I'm right there with ya). Nice job!!