Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cincinnati Flying Pig 10K

As soon as I woke up, my first order of business was to mindlessly break the rule that says that you shouldn't try anything new on race day. I went downstairs and fueled up with orange juice, bagels and powdered donuts from the hotel's continental breakfast. I think I was distracted by the sad news of my Rockets being eliminated from the NBA playoffs....

After gaging the conditions outside, I returned to my room and put on shoes, shorts, the finisher's T-shirt from the Angie's Half Crazy and my black runner's hat. Kelly (IrishPenguin/"IP") had told me Friday evening that she was planning to cheer at the 10K. So as I took my warmup jog on the bridge into Ohio, I sent a text message to let her know I was on my way to the starting line.

Mile 1 - 8:38
-- A light rain was falling, so by the time the race started, my clothes were quite damp. The course began with a nice downhill. To avoid running into people, I even had to use my trademark "Watch out -- Heavy man being acted upon by gravity!" yell.
Mile 2 - 9:27
-- There was a short, but steep uphill that seemed to suck a lot out of my early energy. I think it was in this mile that IP spotted me and yelled out a "Go Vince!" That was a lift!
Mile 3 - 9:35
-- Trouble began. I started feeling the failure of my breakfast to digest, and I had to walk a bit until the urge to hurl subsided.
Mile 4 - 9:44
-- We crossed a long bridge out of Cincinnati and into Covington. As the weight of the uphill portion began to pull me down, I heard a horn blare off to my right. I looked up at the freight cars on the railroad tracks adjacent to the bridge and I immediately thought of my Sole Train teammates imploring me to "Keep Chugging!" So I did, all the way into Kentucky.
Mile 5 - 9:53
-- Crossing from Covington into Newport, we hit a flat section here, and my mind really wanted to accelerate. But instead, my tummy troubles forced me to take yet another short walk break.
Mile 6 - 9:52
-- I was tiring. At the Mile 6 marker, one of the spectators yelled out that it was time to "open up a can of kick@ss." "Lend me one!" I retorted. Somehow, I think she did. As soon as I came off the bridge and turned the last corner, my eyes beheld the clock and the sprint jets came on.

6.2-mile elapsed time: 59:07
(8th of 22 in the Clydesdale 200-219 division)

Despite nearly losing my breakfast twice on the course, I had a new PR by 17 seconds over my time from the Shamrock Strut 10K in March! I was so excited that I leaped at the finish line and unintentionally slapped the clock. I didn't think race organizers would hang a clock that low; sorry Cincinnati!

I know the McMillan Race Calculator still thinks I'm capable of even better, so let's hope I eat smarter before my next 10K!

After I picked up my 10K finisher's goodies and an orange, I met IP in front of the Great American Ballpark and chatted a bit. As we searched for the starting line of the 5K event (she was doing this with her mother), we met Janet (soccermom15) and got a photo opportunity.

When we reached the 5K start area, we found Luis, Gloria, Karen M and Elizabeth (runningNYCfordad) who were there to cheer for Andi (firenicetrucker?). My jaw took a hit from Karen's shoulder when she threw a hug on me; I'm sure that was a Kodak moment! LOL! After sending the 5K runners on their way, we walked over to the finish line to cheer runners in.

After watching Andi crossed the finish line, I had been on my feet and soaking wet for three and a half hours and I had a blister forming one of my toes, so I figured it was time for a break. As the others went to collect Andi and head over to the expo, I walked "home" to Kentucky.

Thank goodness the Travelodge was cheap, because it was frankly lacking in amenities. However, in addition to being within easy walking distance of downtown Cincy, it was directly across the street from all the shops and restaurants at Newport on the Levee. So after returning to my hotel and cleaning myself up, I headed over and stuffed my face with a burger and fries at Johnny Rockets. I popped some nickels in the jukebox and started up "The Wanderer,"
"Runaround Sue," "Crazy" (Patsy Cline), and James Brown's "I Feel Good" I thought they were appropriate titles for my mood.

After lunch, I returned to the hotel for a nap. Then I got my ride to the FE dinner at Buca di Beppo. It was boisterous and crowded in that room, but at least we did get a chance to individually introduce ourselves to the assembled while we swapped pasta back and forth. We also got a chance to send some personal greetings to some special others.

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