Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ike Day: 2:30 p.m.

I thought it might be funny to share this image of an error I was getting while using the VPN software on the office laptop. Fortunately, I got this problem to clear with a reboot.

Meanwhile, this feels like a great time to take a nap. The power seems to have stabilized here. The great news for those still without power -- and thus, no air-conditioning -- is that Monday's forecast calls for a cool front to come in.

When I get back up, I'll try to make a wider survey of the neighborhood. Outside the sky remains overcast, but the winds appear to have calmed, and only a light drizzle is falling.

1 comment:

Pat said...

I'm glad you're doing ok. I like the updates, however I read them all at once. I was out working.