Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Officially on Ike Watch

For the last two days, I've been closely following Eric Berger's science blog concerning the emerging drama that is Hurricane Ike. The main idea he's been trying to push across is that even a mere three days in advance, we still have a wide stretch of Texas coastline "in play" for landfall. As cautionary examples, he cites the three-day track forecasts from the National Hurricane Center for Katrina and Rita in 2005. Neither one pointed to the storms' ultimate destinations in Louisiana. So the Palacios landfall projection of the NHC won't be lulling me into complacency.

So just like last month in advance of Edouard, tonight I'll be topping off my gas tank and stocking up on non-perishables. It's a grand game we play here on the Gulf Coast.

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